This Month on – What We’re working on (April 2024) – UPDATE

A lot has happened since our last Post. Here are the new Things:

  • Ads.txt Checker
  • Adding more Payment Methods
  • New Ad Formats
  • Adding more Advertisers
  • Our Ad Exchange

Ads.txt Checker

We’ve implemented a more or less working Ads.txt Checker that is able to detect missing Lines on your Websites. This Feature is gonna roll out this Week on the Admin Site and next Week on the Publisher Site and you’ll be able to conveniently check all of your own Sites at once!

Adding more Payment Methods

We’re done with Signing all the required Papers to get our GmbH up and running – next thing will be to register the Company @ the chosen Payment Providers.

The following Payment Methods will be implemented first:

  • Bank Transfer
  • Cryptocurrency

New Ad Formats

We’re currently running Floating Siderail Ads as a Test on one of our Testsites and will run out this Feature shortly to our Publishers. Next Thing we’re working on will be Interstitial Ads!

Adding more Advertisers

We’ve recently made Contracts with new Advertisers! Once we get everything from them you will benefit from more Revenue for your Website!

Our Ad Exchange

The Backend of our Ad Exchange is almost done! We’re working hard on bringing you a User friendly Frontend!

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